
Product Overview

Our company imports a vast range of mechanical and woodworking vices in different sizes.  We only offer top quality vices for all tradesman and the DIY person. 

This section also includes carpentry tools such as sach-clamps, chisels, wood planers and G Clamps.



Our top brands in this area are Record Irwin, an American company which has been renowned for many years in this sector, and our latest collaboration with Black Steel, a small company specializing in good quality vices.


Product Variations

We offer the following woodworking and vice products:

  • mechanical vices
  • wood working vices
  • Pipe Vices
  • Pipe Benders
  • Sach clamps
  • G-Clamps
  • Wood Planers
  • Tube Cutters
  • Wood Chisels
  • Bolt Cutters